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What’s the Best Commercial Length?
What’s the best commercial length? That is a question we are asked frequently, and it isn’t one that can be easily answered in one or two words. It’s a subject that has been debated for a long time. Nearly all radio and television commercials dating back as far as the 1950s were all 60 seconds […]

JKR Promotes Phillip Blevins
JKR Advertising & Marketing announced the promotion of Phillip Blevins to Media Coordinator. The appointment was made by JKR Managing Partner Jeff Johnson. “After doing such an outstanding job in his previous position, it became apparent that Phillip was ready for more responsibility,” Johnson said. “He has already begun positively impacting our clients in his new […]

Radio and TV Power Will Last Forever
Radio and TV Power will last forever … no matter how big the digital advertising avalanche becomes. You see, the Internet is a fantastic resource for a car shopper to use when they’ve made up their minds to buy a car and are ready to do some serious research. But for them to get to […]

No Waste in Advertising is Possible with JKR
Do you wish there was no waste in your automotive advertising? Sadly, many of today’s automotive dealers feel like legendary retailer John Wanamaker did many years ago when he said, “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is, I don’t know which half.” Here’s the thing: it doesn’t have to be […]