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Automotive Advertising Campaign Basics
What goes into an automotive advertising campaign? There are some essentials. First, you need a message … but not just any message. It must be something your customers will not only pay attention to, but also remember – so that they will want to buy your cars, come to your dealership for service, and so […]

Oscar Advertising is Expensive; Ours Isn’t!
We recently told you about the prices of advertisements during the Super Bowl, but how about this weekend’s Oscar Advertising? Simply put, it isn’t as bad as the Super Bowl, but they are far from cheap! A 30-second Oscar Advertising television spot will fetch an amazing $1.95 million – a total that is up eight […]

Why Automotive Radio Advertising?
Why automotive radio advertising as part of your automotive advertising strategy? Radio has the unique ability to target specific audiences. Because it is extremely cost-effective when compared to other automotive advertising options, radio also affords auto dealerships the ability to saturate their market with their store’s message with great reach and frequency. Those are some of […]

Christy Roman Invited to Google VIP Conference
Christy Roman, President of JKR Advertising & Marketing’s digital group, has been invited to attend the prestigious Rethink at Google “Internet immersion” conference on February 20. The group will focus on “rethinking” processes and digital marketing strategies. Roman leads JKR’s digital marketing agency NOW Digital, which JKR acquired late last year. The conference, hosted by […]