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Social Media 101 for Auto Dealers
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that social media isn’t going anywhere, so today we offer Social Media 101 for auto dealers. For a car dealer, the social media arena has created new and interesting opportunities … along with new and not-so-interesting potential issues. While it has created the opportunity to communicate with […]

The Critical First Seven Seconds
Automobile dealers have approximately seven seconds to capture the interest of the consumer during a radio or TV advertisement. At the same time, those critical seven seconds must compel the prospective customer to continue “consuming” the message all the way through its conclusion. This is not an easy task, especially when you remember this must […]

Knowing the Enemy Brings You Closer to Success
Do you know the enemy? One of the biggest mistakes a car dealer can make is only worrying about his own dealership. Certainly that should take up the lion’s share of a dealer’s time and efforts, but ignorance of the other dealerships in his market is a huge mistake, and today’s blog examines the reasons […]

The Automotive Co-Op Dance between Dealer and Corporate
The monthly automotive co-op dance between auto dealer and corporate entity can be a bit awkward, especially if the dealer personnel are not perfectly in step with corporate, who always “leads” this dance. Just ask any clerical worker at an automotive dealership that handles its own advertising. Even in the best of circumstances, it’s an […]