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JKR Employees Attend Women in Automotive Conference
Several employees from JKR and sister company NOW Digital attended this week’s inaugural Women in Automotive Conference. Held at the Ballroom at Church Street in downtown Orlando, the conference included speakers, breakout sessions, workshops and booth displays. More than 300 professionals from across the country made the trip to the Sunshine State to attend the […]

More, Longer Car Loans are Becoming the Norm
There is good news and bad news when it comes to car loans. Most people like the good news first, so here it is: Americans are borrowing money for vehicles like never before. In fact, new loans for cars and light trucks (both new and pre-owned) just surpassed $1 trillion for the first time. […]

Turn a Customer Complaint into a Positive
There are times when every auto dealer must address a customer complaint. It is of utmost importance that you do not dismiss this customer as a troublemaker. While there is a small portion of the general public you’re not going to please no matter what you do for them, most people just want to believe […]

The New Automotive Service Department
In today’s automotive marketplace, dealerships are placing extra emphasis on the service department, looking for ways to improve their overall bottom line. Some are extending their business hours during the week and on weekends. Many have taken on the “we repair all makes, all models” mentality. Another popular train of thought is to hire additional […]