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Internet Sales Leads Must be Addressed Promptly
If you don’t work Internet sales leads quickly, quite often they will no longer be leads at all by the time you get around to addressing them. According to a study done by Dr. James Oldroyd of MIT, executed by the Kellogg School of Management (referenced in this article in the Wizard of Ads Website), […]

The Right Ad Can Make Them Buy Cars
The headline sounds obvious; of course the right ad can make them buy cars. But the next logical question is, “How do you determine the right ad?” You can tell by the way the consumer reacts to it. There are some things that happen when an advertisement is done correctly. Components of the Right […]

Some Old-School Customer Service is in Order
Customer service just isn’t what it used to be. This just in: not all your competitors offer great service. But that doesn’t mean your dealership can’t be different, even if it is currently lumped in with the underperformers. You simply need to decide you’re going to be the catalyst that brings about change – starting […]

The Little Things Can Make a Huge Difference
Little things often make a big difference in the automobile business (and in other industries, too, for that matter). You know what we’re talking about; the things that are often forgotten or just completely overlooked. So ask yourself this question: is there something I can do at my dealership that will improve things today? Sometimes, […]