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An Automotive Advertising Agency Offers Objectivity
An automotive advertising agency is important for many reasons, but this blog is going to focus on the fact that retaining an agency ensures that you have total objectivity. Well, there is one caveat to that … you can’t hire an agency full of “yes men” and expect to have objectivity. The best automotive […]

Using Persuasion Tactics to Your Advantage
Why are an auto dealership’s persuasion tactics so important? I remember once reading a quote attributed to the folks at Advertising Age that has stuck with me over the years. It goes like this: In very few instances do people really know what they want, even when they say they do. When you think […]

Overcoming Regret Caused by Missed Opportunities
Almost everyone has regrets over missed opportunities in life. It could be education-related, or even a personal relationship gone awry. But let’s limit the discussion to business-related missed opportunities. You know what we mean; a case of the “woulda-coulda-shouldas.” It’s happened to the best of us … punishing ourselves for blowing a great opportunity […]

Dealing With a Company Crisis
Firefighters are called at the discovery of a fire, and in much the same manner PR professionals are called to put out fires related to a company crisis. Of course, no auto dealership wants to be in a position such as this, but sometimes due to a mistake – or possibly even through no fault […]