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Radio Advertising Drives Business for Auto Dealers
Radio advertising drives business … including bringing customers to automotive dealerships across the country. This was the message recently presented to a Las Vegas-based JD Power automotive roundtable by Bob Pittman, Chairman and CEO of iHeart Media. Pittman’s statistics show that the biggest mass medium, radio, is just as effective as ever. How Radio […]

The Most Iconic Cars of TV and Movies
In honor of the popularity of this week’s blog highlighting the original Batmobile, today’s entry focuses on some of the most iconic cars television and the big screen have ever seen. Have you ever wondered the make, year and model of any of TV and movies’ most famous automobiles? Here are the answers to a […]

Recruiting the Right Salespeople Creates a Lasting Impact
Do you believe in recruiting salespeople, or do you hire them the old-fashioned way – through in-person applications? We hope you believe in the value of recruiting, because it can make a huge difference in a number of ways. You are well aware of exactly what qualities you want from each member of your […]

For Sale: The Original Batmobile
Holy sticker shock, Batman; the original Batmobile is for sale! You remember it, don’t you; that uniquely shaped, shiny black car with the neon orange stripes? Driven by the original Batman, Adam West, in the popular superhero show that ran from 1966-1968, the car has received its fair share of fanfare – and its legend […]