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Want Continued Momentum in 2016?
The automotive forecast calls for continued momentum in 2016. Last year, Toyota, General Motors, Ford and Chrysler all posted double-digit year-over-year January sales increases … and the industry as a whole was up nearly 14%. Better still, these numbers are expected to continue all year. According to this article in the Wall Street […]

What’s Your New Year’s Resolution?
Today’s blog focuses on what your dealership’s New Year’s Resolution should entail. It’s easy to say “we want to sell more new cars, more pre-owned cars and have major upticks in sales in our parts and service departments.” But saying it and making your resolution a reality aren’t the same. To get there, you […]

Is Your Dealership Ready for Cultural Change?
While cultural change is not happening everywhere in our country, it is taking place in many states. Those who are aware of it – and prepare for it – will be ahead of the game, according to a recent story on Forbes.com. The author says there is significant opportunity for those who are astute and […]

Driverless Car Accidents? That’s Not Supposed to Happen!
Driverless car accidents are happening at about twice the rate as cars with drivers. Wait a minute … that isn’t supposed to be how it works. These autonomous cars are set up to avoid accidents and obey the laws, so what is going on to cause such an extraordinarily high number of driverless car accidents? […]