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Don’t Ignore Online Feedback from Your Customers
There is a very good reason why you should not ignore online feedback from your customers – good or bad. In today’s car-buying world, quite often the Internet is the first contact a prospective customer will have with your dealership; in other words, their first (and most important) impression of your dealership will be formed […]

JD Power Sold to Global Investment Firm XIO Group
From the newswire comes this tidbit of information that will be of interest to automotive personnel: JD Power, the global marketing company providing many industries (including automotive) with independent third-party research, has been sold. For more than a decade, JD Power has been a subsidiary of McGraw Hill Financial, but once the transaction becomes final […]

It’s All About Differentiation
Differentiation is the key to connecting with potential customers and making your dealership top-of-mind with them. In a recent blog, we documented how important it is to establish your brand (think: differentiation) in the marketplace, and included some tips on how to make this happen. These included knowing who you are and being able to […]

JKR Partners Meet Pandora Founder Tim Westergren in California
This week, JKR Partners Jeff Johnson, Kevin Baumann, Richard Brauns and Jon Albert took a trip to San Francisco for a meeting with Pandora Founder Tim Westergren at the digital radio giant’s headquarters there. JKR is a big believer in advertising with Pandora, the largest digital radio service in the world – to the point […]