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Psychographics Explain Why Customers Buy Their Cars
Don’t forget psychographics when you advertise! Most folks are aware of what demographics are to some degree – you know, things like gender, age, marital status, number of kids, status of homeownership, income and the like. These are obvious things that must be taken into consideration when advertising – but that’s really only half the […]

JKR Celebrates Fourth of July with Cookout
Last Friday, JKR held a company cookout in celebration of July 4, recognizing the holiday commemorating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. Since it happened 240 years ago, it’s easy to forget the struggles our founding fathers endured to make it happen. One of JKR’s partners, Jon Albert (pictured), was […]

Set Your Store Up for Second Half Success
It’s officially halftime of 2016, and we’re ready to begin the second half of the automotive sales game. In sports, halftime is the ideal opportunity to regroup and come out with a renewed sense of optimism for the remainder of the contest. It certainly should be no different in the automotive arena. How was […]

It’s OK to Offend a Few When Speaking to the Masses
As you make the choice of what advertisements hit the airwaves for your dealership, don’t be afraid that your commercials might offend someone every so often. We say this for a few reasons. First, an automobile commercial of any kind is created to persuade the listener/viewer to purchase a vehicle from you – and […]