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TV Advertising Does More than Meets the Eye
For auto dealers, TV Advertising does more than you might initially think. Besides increasing foot traffic and having a positive effect on a dealership’s bottom line, there are also some not-so-obvious benefits. In addition to the foot traffic mentioned above, local TV Advertising also increases Internet traffic to your dealership’s Website. How can we […]

Why You Should Understand Consumer Behavior
Do you understand consumer behavior? This term is defined as “the process and activities people engage in when searching for, selecting, purchasing, using, evaluation and disposing of products and services so as to satisfy their needs and desires”. How does that translate to buying a car? Put yourself in the shoes of the customer, […]

Your Recall Reaction Makes the Difference for the Customer
What has been your recall reaction? When the onslaught of vehicle recalls reached record numbers in 2014, Americans were stunned. As time has gone by, the amount of vehicles falling under this category has continued to rise. There was a time not so long ago in which a customer might have been a bit […]

Are You Dissatisfied With Your Status Quo?
Your status quo (Latin) basically means “your current situation” or “the way things are right now.” It’s the place we all find ourselves each day – and we should evaluate it regularly. After all, it’s easy to go with the flow and just deal with things the way they are. It’s comfortable. It’s stable. It’s […]