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Arnold Palmer Was Also an Automotive Champion
The news of golf legend Arnold Palmer’s recent passing was difficult for many, but it was especially sad for those of us who reside in the greater Orlando area. After all, Central Florida was his second home, and he was the driving force behind our city’s premier PGA Tour event at Bay Hill. Additionally, he […]

Want to Know What Customers are Thinking?
If you’ve always wondered what customers are thinking but don’t have any definitive answers, read on. A recent Edmunds “Car Shopping Trends” report detailed what is going through their minds before and during the purchase process. The survey polled 500 in-market car shoppers across the United States and here are some of the most important […]

The NFL Rules the Automotive Advertising World
In the world of automotive advertising, the NFL rules. During last year’s football calendar, carmakers spent more than any other industry despite the cost of spots during NFL games being the highest ever – and it wasn’t even close, as they spent about three times more than the next-closest category (fast food restaurants). And if […]

Are You Targeting the Right Audience?
JKR does everything with the right audience in mind. What do we mean by this statement? While our ultimate goal is to make our clients happy, we don’t gear our advertisements toward them. Instead, we produce every commercial with the goal of persuading the intended audience to purchase a vehicle from our clients’ dealerships. At […]