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Nielsen’s Six Rs Show Why Radio Ads Work
Nielsen says radio is a very valuable part of any business’s media mix – including automobile dealers – and it has published a list of six Rs – along with research – to validate their statement. Brad Kelly, the Audio Managing Director at Nielsen, put the list together to illustrate that “for advertisers, radio presents a […]

Why ROA Isn’t Enough for Auto Dealers
If you’re not aware of the term “ROA”, there’s a good chance you might hear it someday from an advertising executive. If you do, you should ask them a few questions about their goals. Some advertising agencies firmly believe they have done their job well if they deliver their client’s message to the agreed-upon […]

Discussing Dealership Employee Turnover
Employee turnover at automotive dealerships last year occurred at a 39 percent clip, compared to 35 percent in 2014. This information comes from this year’s annual Dealership Workforce Study presented by the NADA, the organization that represents the interests of new car and truck dealerships. The topic of employee turnover is always a hot-button […]

Having Trust Issues with Your Ad Agency? Read This!
Quite frequently, we hear automobile dealers who aren’t JKR clients say they are having trust issues with their advertising agency – and apparently, this is quite widespread. A 2014 study published in AdWeek showed that more than half of all marketing executives believe their agencies are more interested in “selling” them their work rather than […]