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What to Make of the Recent SAAR Reports
Recent SAAR reports indicate this year’s brutal 2019 winter brought sales numbers down a bit from initial projections. This has prompted some dealers to begin re-evaluating their advertising plans for the rest of the year. One school of thought has dealers contemplating major advertising cutbacks. But the savvy, experienced dealers realize there are still […]

Control the Deal!
When the “lowest-price-wins” online car-buying software was introduced about fifteen years ago, it was a fantastic idea. Dealers were happy to accept lower gross profits because their sales volume significantly increased. But over time competition has changed the entire online sales landscape. As more dealers subscribe to these services and copycat companies emerge, the […]

Reach Them Before They Begin The Buying Process
Research shows nearly nine out of every 10 car shoppers begin their buying process by conducting online research. Though most dealers are certainly aware of this, what are they doing – if anything – to make sure their dealership’s Website is top-of-mind with these potential customers? Some decide to put all their efforts into […]

Is Your Dealership Reaching its Entire Addressable Audience?
Statistics show that during the time an average American spends consuming media each week, about 70% of it is still currently ad-supported. This is great news for those who remain committed to advertising on traditional radio and television. But it should also make a dealer ask the following question: Where are these people going […]