We appreciate your hard work and all you do for us! Your dedication and incredible work ethic truly help us continue surpassing our overall business goals.
We want you to know we feel incredibly fortunate to have you with us and everyone on the team is proud to call you their colleague.
That’s why you’re our featured team player this month! Thank you for everything you have done and continue to do for JKR! Please accept this token of appreciation as our sincere gratitude for helping to make our company what it is today.
As we’ve braved the sometimes unknown, and relentless waters of the digital world over the past decade, JKR has established an award-winning, vastly knowledgeable internet marketing team.
These extraordinary minds have come together and enabled us to develop countless proprietary advertising techniques and strategies that translate to every brand, in any metro area, and across all social media platforms.
Now, as we’ve done for over 20 years in TV and Radio, we are dominating the digital online world. Quickly becoming the leader in online automotive advertising.
As the digital world evolves day by day, faster than any of us have ever seen before, our team stays ahead of the trending technologies, software, and best practices of the industry to offer our clients distinct advantages over their competitors.
We offer our clients the ability to base their advertising geographically and demographically in ways never before achievable. Comprehensive, online digital campaigns, Google AdWords, PPC strategies, and engaging social media platform management, allow us to over-deliver and outperform other agencies time after time with measurable results that our clients see and feel.
Automotive Advertising Tips From “The Car Guys” at JKR
Three tips to increase traffic:
Over 50 years of combined success in the automotive advertising world allows us to share our indisputable knowledge with dealers out there, who are just getting started or still figuring it out. Follow our lead. We make market leaders.
Whenever possible, retain an outside perspective of your current advertising strategy. We offer a free, no-obligation comprehensive analysis of your current situation, and our highly skilled Account Executives offer suggestions for immediate improvement.
Question everything! Whatever you do, if you can’t clearly see it working, it’s not. Stop wasting your money, energy, and time on it.
Take the JKR digital challenge! Here’s the third and probably the most valuable tip we can offer in today’s e-newsletter. The JKR digital challenge: You could be receiving better service for less, and much higher ROI.
Congratulations to the talented team at Williams Kia in Traverse City for doubling their sales in February 2021! From 20 cars to 40 Cars in less than 30 days! Wow!
Since 2014 Williams Kia averaged less than 20 new Kias per month through 2020. They hired JKR in February 2021 and sold 40 cars the same month! Even better is the used car average and “Gross Per Vehicle Sold” also increased!
JKR is thrilled to represent Williams Kia of Traverse City and hope to for many successful years to come! We’re looking forward to another record breaking month!
If you manage a dealership, call us today to learn more about how we can help you too. Although, we only represent one dealer in any given market, so if your dealership is in a market where we already represent a dealer, you’ll be offered a position on our waiting list. Also important to note: You can test-drive us for free, with no obligation to spend a dollar. We will go to work & design the most effective strategy for your dealership, in your market.
Learn how you can see your dealership’s sales increase as well. Contact JKR today by calling us at (321) 397-0777 or email carguys@jkrads.com. We want to discuss your dealership goals today.
Today more than ever, traditional AM/FM radio continues to be a cost-effective advertising option for America’s automobile dealers. Because of this, a tremendous working relationship has developed between iHeartMedia and JKR Advertising & Marketing … leading to the media giant honoring the automotive advertising leader as one of its top partners.
Key iHeartMedia executives hosted JKR Partners Jeff Johnson, Richard Brauns, Kevin Baumann and Jon Albert in New York this past week, recognizing them for their work.
“It was amazing to hear JKR’s partners talk about why they love radio, how they see the evolution of radio over the past several years and why they continue to recommend it,” said Jonathan Faulkner, iHeartMedia Senior Vice President of Digital. “They understand that broadcast radio drives consideration and awareness.”
The wide-reaching scope of iHeart (it owns more than 850 stations nationwide), along with radio’s ability to affordably target large numbers of specific listeners multiple times, make iHeartRadio a valuable advertising tool for JKR’s clients. In fact, it is so effective that JKR ranked second in Tier III (local/dealer) automotive agency in the United States for iHeartRadio advertising placement.
“It was very interesting to see the impressive research the iHeart executives prepared for us,” Johnson said. “We were able to see how JKR compared to other agencies, not only in terms of media billing but also how remarkable our schedules were in causing a significant lift in our clients’ Web traffic.”
In addition to Faulkner, JKR met with John Mackenzie, Divisional Vice President of Automotive, Midwest and Southeast; Joie Davis, Vice President of Automotive, North Florida; Cameron Brown, Division Vice President – Digital Sales; and Nancy Andreatas, Senior Account Manager.
JKR Automotive Advertising: The car dealer ad agency.