Co-Op Compliance: A Crucial Element in Automotive Advertising
In the realm of automotive advertising, co-op compliance stands as a major cornerstone for the success of most new-car dealerships. As most dealers well know, co-op reimbursement dollars from their brand’s corporate entity play a pivotal role in fueling their advertising efforts. These funds provide the necessary resources for reaching out to potential customers effectively, ensuring the effectiveness of their advertising campaigns.
Relieving the Burden
Dealerships are well aware that creating a “co-op-able” advertisement involves adhering to specific guidelines; and the failure to meet these criteria can lead to the rejection of co-op claims. Moreover, the process of obtaining co-op dollars involves a meticulous pre-approval and paperwork submission procedure, adding complexity to an already demanding task.
At JKR Automotive Advertising, our specialists understand the challenges dealers face in navigating the co-op compliance landscape … and we make it a point to stay on top of each change so we can be proactive rather than reactive.
JKR streamlines the co-op compliance process by ensuring that all creative content aligns with corporate guidelines, making the dealership eligible for co-op dollars entitled to them. Additionally, we take on the responsibility of co-op submission, relieving dealers of this time-consuming task.
Co-Op Guidelines Don’t Affect Our Creativity
One of the key benefits our clients appreciate is that while we operate within co-op guidelines, it doesn’t stifle our creativity. Despite the regulatory framework imposed by corporate entities and the time constraints inherent in advertising, JKR continues to produce compelling advertisements that resonate with consumers, driving viewers and listeners to buy cars.
How Can We Help YOUR Dealership?
What can JKR Automotive Advertising do for you? We free up your time by handling the everyday aspects of co-op compliance, allowing you to focus on what you excel at – selling cars! We alleviate the stress and complexities associated with the co-op pre-approval and submission processes, ensuring you receive your reimbursement promptly. In essence, we simplify the process for our clients, making their advertising journey smoother and more efficient than ever.
JKR Automotive Advertising: We Move Cars.